This page contains an overview of all engrams in reverse chronological order. These are the more "outward facing" writings on this site, written by these authors.
This site also contains a lot of more ephemeral content. For small notes, likes, bookmarks etc. in microformats2 format, have a look at the micros. You can also have a look at my digital garden under zettelkästen. These notes are a constant work in progress and not necessarily intended for your reading. Nevertheless, I submit them to your "voyeurism."
Zip is its own inverse
Flatten nested lists with a list comprehension
Wrong feature preprocessing is a source of train-test leakage
Masking with Boolean arrays in Numpy
Digest October 2021
Writing, not collecting
Site update: Breadcrumbs, taxonomies, paginators
Introducing the AI Ethics Tool Landscape
Digest July 2021
Mnemonic for closed-form Bayesian univariate inference with Gaussians
Digest May 2021
Deepfake Reality
Digest April 2021
Digest March 2021
Listening Report 2020
Two perspectives on a plain-text writing convention
Extracting Kobo EPUB Annotations
On Bayesian likelihood
Secondary sorting in Python
Study Tip: Quiz yourself in Vim
Russell on AI in technocracy and surveillance
Creating and linking Zettelkasten notes in Vim
Setting up your own tilde club (UNIX)
Tech giants will battle over your health data
The Raven Paradox of Inductive Reasoning
A Mailman's Digitized Grammar of Action
Custom Note Tagging System with Ctags and Vim
Building a Note-taking System with Vanilla Vim
On function creep, privacy and encryption
Pick a random background on each boot (Linux)
How many 2-ary boolean functions can a perceptron model?
Hugo template snippets of new website features
Deepfakes and democracy: a case for technological mediation
Book review: Van der Heiden - The Truth (and Untruth) of Language
Het merkteken van ongenade (Dutch)
Friendship, death, and writing in Michel de Montaigne's Essays
Two methods for exporting EPUB annotations (.annot)
Dynamic BibTeX bibliography paths with spaces
This domain joined the IndieWeb!
Vacancy Recommender Hackaton with Spark
Getting a grip on programmer jargon (by Joran Welling)
Automation and the ethics of work
What is the purpose of this website?
Paradoxes of the logical implication
Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles: beyond the trolley dilemma
Warlike acts in the cyber domain
Digital portraits
Two notes on the original Google paper
Morton's Perverse Holism - A Twelve-step program
Security and privacy: some key concepts
Website Update: Dark Theme and Etc. section
New feature! Added comments to this *static* website
Selecting user commands in style (Python)
Sorting threads in NeoMutt
Creating a PGP key, sending mail with GPG
Vim: Basic Text Navigation and Editing
Ten reasons for using Vim
Web scraping my own website in Python
Reve's God and the Paradox of Intimacy
Writing a letter the cool way... for free
Object Orientation: Observer Pattern
Object Orientation: Strategy Pattern
Calculating pi with Monte Carlo simulation
Course overview
Terminal sharing with tmux
Complexity 101 and the P-NP question
Setting up ssh and using tmux
About this website